Managed marketing is a more cost-effective and efficient approach to marketing your brand. It combines human talent and technology to develop, execute, and manage the numerous marketing plan elements. At APC, we have developed a proven formula that combines the best aspects of traditional marketing with modern technology.
Search Engine Management (SEM) SEM or SEA (also known as search engine advertising or pay-per-click)
Search Engine Management is the fastest way to rank your website high on a search engine's page. Google Ads is the most popular tool for your business to create ads on Google's search pages and advertising networks. *There are many variables in determining if your ad will appear on the first page, including the budget. Therefore, no company can guarantee your ad will appear on the first page.
SMM Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Results can have the most significant impact. As people and businesses have gone social on the web, companies who do not reach out to this massive traffic (through ads or direct interaction via social media channels) miss this great opportunity.
SMM Management
We offer complete SMM management with the option to add an unlimited number of social channels, including posting fresh content, images, daily posts, weekly, or at any interval. In addition, we have customized recommendations for your particular business industry.
Email Marketing Management (EMM)
Many businesses don't have the time or resources to manage every aspect of their email marketing programs. APC has developed a fully managed email marketing solution to keep your email marketing program on target and in compliance. Our objective is to get your message to the right people at the right time to achieve your campaign goals.
Text Marketing Management (TMM)
We offer complete compliant solutions for text marketing, including segmentation(s), appointment scheduling and reminders, and various solutions for your specific business industry.